A Mini Sleek Palette Haul.

Sleek,haul,i divine palette,highlighting palette,makeup,pale skin,my pale skin, em ford, pale, eyeshadow, highlighter, highlighting paletee

Sleek,haul,i divine palette,highlighting palette,makeup,pale skin,my pale skin, em ford, pale, eyeshadow, highlighter, highlighting paletee

Sleek,haul,i divine palette,highlighting palette,makeup,pale skin,my pale skin, em ford, pale, eyeshadow, highlighter, highlighting paletee

Sleek,haul,i divine palette,highlighting palette,makeup,pale skin,my pale skin, em ford, pale, eyeshadow, highlighter, highlighting paletee

Sleek,haul,i divine palette,highlighting palette,makeup,pale skin,my pale skin, em ford, pale, eyeshadow, highlighter, highlighting paletee

It feels like it's been a lifetime since I last bought anything from Sleek. It's not because I don't like the brand or the products, it's just, well I guess I often forget all about their products to be honest. After finding my rose gold blush buried deep in my blusher drawer, I decided to have a look  in the drugstore at what else they had to offer.

I love shimmer eyeshadows, and having  heard a lot about sleek palettes, I thought i'd start at the beginning and pick up the Sleek i-Divine Original Palette. It has such a wide range of gorgeous shades that are perfect for day to  night and even when you're feeling a little bit edgy! At £7.99 it's a bargain for 12 shades!

The Sleek Precious Metals Highlighting palette also made it's way into my basket as I'm really into that glowy highlighted skin  at the moment, which means that i'm buying almost every highlighter I find. I'm not 100% sure if i'll get on with these and the bronzing powder in the bottom right of the palette looks suspiciously gold and warm for my  liking.

So those are my picks from the sleek range! I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I grabbed,let me know in the comments! And if there's anything I should be trying from the range, do let me know!

Em xxx

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