MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer Review - Atomic

A short while back, I had a little MUA Cosmetics Lip Haul and picked up some new lip products in varying formulas and shades. I love matte lips and this summer I really enjoyed wearing coral and orange shades. I love the idea of wearing a bright orange lip throughout autumn as it reminds me of Autumn leaves and bonfire night. 

The MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer retails for £3.00 at Superdrug and MUA Online. The Velvet Lip Laquers are billed as being long lasting, kiss proof and with intense colour.

Now, I can confirm they have intense colour, although in terms of being long lasting... well, take a look for yourself.

I don't think I've ever had a lip product peel on me before, so this is a new unexpected problem. The above images detail what happened when I pressed my lips together, which really doesn't bode well for being long lasting. Can you imagine wearing a bright orange lip on a night out and without even realizing, lose a lot of it just by pressing your lips together? I for one, can't think of anything worse. Which means that if this happens in my flat, it's highly likely to happen in an environment where I don't have a mirror to hand to fix it. 

In this case, there' only one place the MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer is headed... the bin. I'm actually really disappointed. I was expecting so much and feel a little let down. Oh well... at least it was only £3 right?
Em xxx
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