Morning Routines with Olay

Special thanks to Olay for sponsoring this post!

I used to hate mornings! Over the last few years I’ve pushed myself to become more of a morning person and I’ve created a daily ritual when I wake up so I can always start my days off on the right foot! One of the best decisions I made was buying a “wake up” alarm clock that simulates the sunrise. My bedroom doesn’t get a lot of morning light so the alarm really helps waking up easier.

 As soon as I’m up and at ‘em I like to start my skincare routine. Keeping my beauty routine quick in the morning helps get me out of the door faster. I’ve collaborated with Olay to share one of my favorite new products, the Olay Regenerist Whip. After cleansing and toning my skin I apply the Regenerist Whip. I love that the moisturizer is lightweight and absorbs oils quickly into the skin. The finish is dewy but not greasy and super smooth. The velvety texture allows it to double as a primer so you can skip a step in your routine.

The Regenerist Whip is especially hydrating which I’ve been loving this winter since I’ve been feeling dry in the colder temperatures. After I finish my skincare I put on the kettle and raid the fridge for something to eat. I scroll though my Instagram feed and emails while I enjoy black tea and breakfast. After breakfast, I get on my workout clothes and head to the gym for a sweat sesh.

What about you guys, how do you like to enjoy your mornings?

You can get your own sample of Olay Whips here!
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