Ciate Speed Coat - Fast Drying Top Coat Review

Ciate Speed Coat, Fast Drying top coat, nail polish, ciate, my pale skin, review, nail polish review,

Ciate Speed Coat, Fast Drying top coat, nail polish, ciate, my pale skin, review, nail polish review,

Ciate Speed Coat, Fast Drying top coat, nail polish, ciate, my pale skin, review, nail polish review,

Ciate Speed Coat, Fast Drying top coat, nail polish, ciate, my pale skin, review, nail polish review,

If there's one area of my beauty regime that I often need a helping hand in, it's nails. As someone who leads a busy life, I often find it hard to find time to sit down and give my nails the love and attention they deserve, and it's not that I don't enjoy painting my nails - it's just the waiting around afterwards that kills me.  The Ciate Speed Coat - Fast Drying Top Coat* is a product that seems like it was created for people like me.

I hate waiting for my nails to dry, i'm slightly clumsy and usually after having them painted I've ruined one within 5 minutes - so when a product like the Ciate Speed Coat* comes along that 'guarantees touch dry nails in 60 seconds' you know that i'm all over it. Retailing at £11.00 this top coat isn't cheap, but  let me tell you this - it works, and is easy to use too.

After painting nails as usual, wait a few minutes for the colour to dry, then apply a slick of Speed Coat* over the top. I found it took a little longer than 60 seconds - more like by time you've listened to a song on the radio, or caught up watching a vlog, your nails will touch dry, leaving you able to carry on life like a functioning human being!

Overall, It's a great product that actually works and makes life easier! With the downside that it's a little bit pricey, and it takes a little longer than 60 seconds to dry. Needless to say, painting my nails should be a lot easier now.

I'd love to hear your top tips for speed drying nail polish! Let me know in the comments..
Em xxx

*PR Sample
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