So, I accidentally dyed my hair purple...

pastel hair, blue hair, silver hair, fudge clean blonde, violet toner, my pale skin, em ford. review, pastel hair

pastel hair, blue hair, silver hair, fudge clean blonde, violet toner, my pale skin, em ford. review, pastel hair

So today's post isn't something I can say I planned for... Like a lot of blonde haired ladies, when my hair is looking slightly brassy, I use a purple shampoo to freshen up my locks and keep those orange tones at bay. In the past 10 years that i've been bleach blonde, I've tried many a toner on my hair.

There are so many 'purple' or 'silver' shampoo's on the market, that without reading a review, you often don't know what you're going to get. You could say that i'm used to toning shampoo's not being very useful. I quite like the Touch Of Silver shampoo which you an often find in the pound shop, as well as the usual drugstores I like it, because it's weak enough to forget about leaving in your hair for 10 minutes and you'll have an even application. I've tried the L'oreal Professional Serie Silver shampoo when a hairdresser left me with brassy roots - they gave me a big bottle to compensate until they could get me back in to fix them. It was a thicker consistency than I expected, but smelt great, and toned nicely. I've ordered the Clairol Shimmer Lights which our American allies seem to rave about for platinum and silver locks, Although it left the hair patchy in places, I did however, put that down to a dodgy home dye!

A couple of months ago, I was asked if I'd like to try anything from the brand Fudge* and their range of hair products, I jumped at the chance to try a few out. The Clean Blonde Violet Toning Shampoo* seemed like a great product for my bleached, dehydrated, hair. The product is billed to 'balance out the yellow tones in your hair to give you a blonde tone you'll love. The shampoo leaves your hair hydrated, replenished, and perfectly clean'. Of course I wanted to try it... and of course, it sat in my drawer for months whilst I used up the other 2 bottles of toning shampoo I had on the go.

It was mid shower (no joke) Sunday Night, that I had a brainwave. I'd remembered the existence of the Fudge shampoo! So, I did what any self respecting woman would do - I opened the bathroom door and requested my partner to get it for me.

I used the shampoo, as directed - on wet hair, and applied it in an even application, the same way I usually apply toning shampoo. I split my hair into sections and applied the product. I kept the shampoo on for about 10 minutes or so before washing it off.... What happened next, when I saw my hair dry, in daylight for the first time, can only really be described in picture form, so I've recreated it for your benefit. 

pastel hair, blue hair, silver hair, fudge clean blonde, violet toner, my pale skin, em ford. review, pastel hair

pastel hair, blue hair, silver hair, fudge clean blonde, violet toner, my pale skin, em ford. review, pastel hair

I honestly, don't know what I expected to happen... but after the initial 'Oh shit, what have I done?!' I couldn't stop laughing. I wasn't bothered by the purple too much, It was just completely unexpected. After my Clairol Shimmer Lights patchy dye job, and a lot of googling, I worked hard at washing it a few times in head and shoulders which caused the colour to fade over a weekend - so I knew I could get rid of it this hair disaster... But it left me thinking, what If I leave it for a day before washing it out?

pastel hair, blue hair, silver hair, fudge clean blonde, violet toner, my pale skin, em ford. review, pastel hair

pastel hair, blue hair, silver hair, fudge clean blonde, violet toner, my pale skin, em ford. review, pastel hair

pastel hair, blue hair, silver hair, fudge clean blonde, violet toner, my pale skin, em ford. review, pastel hair

Although I hadn't intended for this to happen, After Applying my make up, and attempting to style my purple/blue/grey locks... something strange happened... I looked in the mirror and I sort of, almost, dare I say it - liked it? I decided to share a picture on twitter yesterday, and let's just say my twitter feed went a little crazy. I couldn't believe how many people liked it! Like actually thought it was good... which leaves me thinking... should I make it a little more permanent? 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this colour! And if you have any hair mishap stories, i'd love to hear them! Let me know in the comments.
Em xxx

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