Beauty Bargain of the week #1

I, like any other shopping loving woman - love a bargain. On a recent lunch break at work, the stars must have aligned as I seemingly walked past Accessorize at the perfect moment - just as the 70% off banners were being placed in the window, and the stock was being brought out. In this situation, I did what any self respecting bargain hunter did... I rushed straight in, didn't stop to collect a basket and pegged it straight to the sale rack, almost sending my lunch flying out of my arms and down my crisp white top. 

I love quirky make up bags, and as I store many of my beauty products that don't fit in my Muji Acrylic drawers, in large plastic storage drawers at home - make up bags come in handy. Sadly I don't have room for any Ikea Alex drawers, as much as I would love to have some to call my own. Instead, I find organising by product and popping the bag into a drawer works well for me!

This cheeky little make up bag was a steal at only £3.00! Great value and awesome savings at 70% off. Which does slightly make me feel bad though, as I seem to only buy products at Accessorize during a sale.... 

Have you nabbed a bargain recently? Let me know in the comments! 

Em xxx

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